Test Case Title |
Goal |
Prerequisites |
Using a PC with a web browser. You need credentials to access to the Node-Red application. The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges. |
Expected successful result |
Steps |
- Install the “jsonlite” package with the command install.packages(“jsonlite”) and load it with the command library(jsonlite).
- As first step is necessary to upload the Service Uris list.
- Service Uris related to the city of Helsinki for the sensor Noise_level_sensor:
query <- “https://www.snap4city.org/ServiceMap/api/v1/?selection=60.09497984705214;24.72198486328125;60.267236565637916;25.25482177734375&categories=Noise_level_sensor&maxResults=100&maxDists=0.1&format=json”
In the example, the considered sensor category is Noise_level_sensor but the category Weather_sensor is also available for Helsinki.
- Service Uris related to the city of Antwerp for the sensor Weather_sensor:
query <- “https://www.snap4city.org/ServiceMap/api/v1/?selection=51.1356318430504;4.0656280517578125;51.36299224099361;4.718971252...”
- Service Uris related to the city of Helsinki for the sensor Noise_level_sensor:
- Upload Service Uris in R.
The function fromJSON of the jsonlite package allows to upload a list that contains all Service Uris:
sensorCategoryJson <- fromJSON(query)
Creation of the ServiceUris vector:
suri <- sensorCategoryJson$Services$features$properties$serviceUri
- Using API to upload Data in R Studio.
- For each Service Uri is possible to upload in R the data using API.
https://www.snap4city.org/ServiceMap/api/v1/?serviceUri= http://...... &fromTime=n-hour
https://www.snap4city.org/ServiceMap/api/v1/?serviceUri= http://...... &fromTime=n-day
Example using a Weather_sensor Service Uri of Helsinki, considering a time slot of 2 hours:
api <- https://www.snap4city.org/ServiceMap/api/v1/?serviceUri=http://www.disit.org/km4city/resource/hel_weather_sensor_100971&fromTime=2-hour
The function fromJSON of the jsonlite package allows to upload the list that contains all data for the considered Service Uri.
sensorCategoryData <- fromJSON(api)
- For each Service Uri is possible to upload in R the data using API.