Helpdesk and Contact Information

This page contains the helpdesk contact information for Snap4city users and for commercial and future project and challenge activity. 

For bug and problem report please use:

For any other kind of questions please use our contact Point:  you can also use our Contact form 

For direct personal contact: 

  • Nicola Mitolo
    • Phone and WhatsApp: Nicola Mitolo, +39-347-6530884
    • Skype: nicola.mitolo
  • Paolo Nesi

if you prefer  to have a face to face talk you can book a meeting: (i) colocating it in one of the events we attend (see NEWS for the list); or (ii) visting us in Florence; or (iii) ask for our visit on your premise.
In any case, please send an email to or at above contacts. 

Snap4City platform has been developed by DISIT lab. Https:// 

Snap4City platform been created by using the Km4City framework as a technological ecosystem: Https:// which has been also created by DISIT Lab.

For Snap4City Business Model see:

For Service Level Agreement see: Service Level Agreement

The service continuity in terms of API is monitored by E015 of Lombardia Region for H24/7 for Smart City API Km4City and resulted in an average of service availability above the 99% since several months. Km4City /Snap4City Smart City API Service Availability, robustness


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Managed by  DISIT Lab     ​​​​​​​

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