Videos: Overviews and Tutorials of Snap4City tools

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Courses are on:

VIDEO of Snap4City overview scenarios

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Former Course and specific videos are in the following:

Snap4City Interaction on touch screen

Snap4City for Developers


(Dur: 5' 00)

(Dur: 16' 43'')

Click here for: Snap4City Corso in Italiano Giugno Luglio 2019, slide e Video

Snap4City Overview - Tutorial (short: 11 June 2019)

(Dur. 11' 14'')

(Dur. 10' 01'') demo

(Dur. 4' 37'') demo

(Dur. 15' 36'') presentation

Snap4City  - Tutorials

Snap4City environment overview

(Dur.: 4' 53'')

Snap4city Tutorial: The Menu

(Dur. 13' 25'')

Snap4City: Overview of Dashboards

(Dur. 4' 52)

Snap4City: Knowledge Base and Maps Overview

(Dur. 7' 24'')

Snap4City Overview: Microapplications, External Services and Microservices

(Dur. 12' 33'')

Snap4City Overview: Data Gate, Resource Manager, Development Tools

(Dur. 6' 52'')

Snap4City Overview: Advanced IOT Applications

(Dur. 2' 42'')

Snap4City IOT Directory and Devices

(Dur: 18' 37'' - IN ITALIAN)

(Dur: 3' 41'')

(Dur: 4' 05'')



New promotional video - slideshow (5'.20'' - promo video)


Presentazione Snap4City (in ITA) - Prato, 18 dicembre 2018. Evento: Situation Control room di Prato (1h.21'.34'' - presentation of the solution)


Overview Video show of the whole solution and tools (10'.26'' - promo video)


Overview Video show of the whole solution and toolsThe aim and the mood of Snap4City (1'.07'' - promo video)


How to start using Snap4City for beginners.

Suggested Activities to be performed to learn HOW to use Snap4City. (4'.01'' - training video) 


Dashboards overview

Level 0 user: access at data/services views of the city by using public Dashboards; (Public User).  (13'.22'' - training video) 


Overview of the Snap4City solution for Final Users (Manager)

Level 1 user: create personal/professional views/dashboards on data; (Manager).  (24':00'' - training video) 


Creation of Dashboards: time trend, selector, maps, historical data, usage of the wizard.  (13'58'' - training video) 


Create personal IOT/IOE Applications defining the control logic/rule behind your Dashboard; (Manager).  (9.14'' - training video) 


Overview of the Snap4City solution for Developer Users (Area Manager).  (9'.09'' - training video) 


Creation of a Dashboard with an IOT Actuator toward the IOT broker/Directory.  (5'.49'' - training video) 


Registering an IOT Device, which is an IOT Edge and using.  (6'.53'' - training video) 


Creating Social IOT Applications: 5 friends sharing the position, to meet each other in the city, using GDRP for saving personal information as GPS and personal data from personal SigFOX IOT Device, view on the GDPR management.  (8'.33'' - training video) 


IOT Application connected to a Dashboard also using IOT  brokers.  (5'.48'' - training video) 


Saving an IOT application into the Resource Manager and reusing it from another IOT applications, (eventually make it public for everybody).  (7'.08'' - training video)


Process Loader (Resource Manager).  (2'.07'' - training video) 


ETL tool. Creating ETL Processes.  (9'.21'' - training video) 


DataGate for Open data and data sets.  (3'.50'' - training video) 


Scalability, elastic scaling, container management in the back office.  (1h.51'.29'' - training video) 

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