We suggest: How to realize your first IOT Application (step 5)


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You have already realized some Dashboard. Now you could create your IOT Application to add some intelligence behind Dashboard and tools in the smart city!

IOT Applications can be realized by using a visual editor (not programming) and may elaborate data to be presented on Dashboards and viceversa (data coming fromDashboard and communicated to storage and to IOT Devices).

The IOT Applications can perform/automate  data analytics, invoke external services, get/save/public data, save data into a personal storage, execute statistics, perform machine learning, etc.

The IOT Applications are based on data flow that are executed when new data arrive or periodically, even if the user is not connected on the user interface as Dashboard.

They can perform for you activities as Robots at your service! 


that is: 


An IOT Applications may connect multiple Dashboards and IOT Devices, and a single Dashboard/IOT Device can be connected to multiple IOT Applications.

To see an example of IOT Application connected to a Dashboard also using IOT  brokers please see the Videos:   (dashboard vs IOT Devices vsIOT applications)

The IOT Applications are created by compositing Blocks and connecting them. Each block has input on left and output on right.

The Output of a block can be monitored by using a DEBUG Block, and the IOT Application editor (that is, Node-RED) has a view of the DEBUG data on the right panel. 

Snap4City has created a large set of MicroServices / Blocks (or nodes in the Node-RED terminology) allowing you to access from IOT Applications at all the Smart City data and services of Snap4City.

The list ofMicroServices and the help is provided into the IOT App Editor, and partially also into the menu Item “Documentation and Articles” as:

We suggest you to follow these examples in the order:


On one hand, once you have created a new IOT Application, it can be connected to an already developed Dashboard or a new Dashboard can be created. Connection or creation can be performed by using MicroServices/Block for the Dashboards in the IOT Application editor. Put the block on the frame, double click and edit.

On the other hand, the connection to an IOT Application IN/OUT channel can be also performed starting from the Dashboard Wizard. On which, you can search for the Sensor (High Level Type),  IOT devices, “Dashboard-IOT App”, “From Dashboard to IOT App” and “From IOT App to Dashboard” with evident meaning of bidirectional communication.