TC2.19 - Creating Dashboards with IOT broker connection back and forward


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Test Case Title

TC2.19 - Creating Dashboards with IOT broker connection back and forward


Create a Dashboard with an actuator. Sensors send  data from the field to the system and dashboards, Actuators receive data from the system and dashboards thus creating a feed forward.

Operate the actuator and see the data from the IOT broker into the Dashboard (the actuators can be read again as sensors on the IOT Broker, obtaining the last value posted).


Access to internet to get access at snap4city.

The user is logged in the Snap4City system.

The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges.

Expected successful result

Dashboards with IOT Broker connectionc back and forward created by using a wizard from the Dashboard Wizard tool




The user can create the dashboard directly from the Dashboard templates and populate the dashboard using the dashboard wizard.

To verify this TC the user has to follow the following steps:

  • Enter in and log in with your credential
  • On the left column main menu click on Dashboards
  • On the top right corner of the dashboard preview list click on New Dashboard

  • Click the Next button or select the “Data and widgets” tab. The view of the available widgets and the data source table are compliant in according to the template selected
  • This means that the Data source table shows only the Sensor-Actuator High-Level Type sources

  • Click on the dimmer icon on the Single data widget preview

  • Below the map a set of new fields and selections is shown.
  • In the Existent or new target select: New
  • In the New actuator target type select: IOT device on broker
  • Specify a Device name, for example “MyActuator”. Please avoid to user spaces or special characters that could create unexpected errors.
  • Specify a Value Type, for example “SetSpeedLimit”
  • Leave the Min value to 0 and set the Max value to 130.

  • Click the Next button on select the tab “Check and Summary” to verify that all selections are coherent.
  • The Check and Summary tab shown a synthesis of the choices performed and presents a Confirm button if the check is passed.

  • Click the Confirm button to create the dashboard with the actuator widget. The look and feel is as in the following image.

  • It is now necessary to recover some information from the MyActuator widget. Click on the small triangle on the top right of the widget to open the contextual menu and select More Options.

  • From the popup showin the widget settings copy the following information:
    • Entity id: MyActuator_510_widgetKnob4180 in this example
    • Attribute name: SetSpeedLimit in this example

  • Scroll down the popup and click the Cancel button to close the widget settings window.
  • Click the Add widget button on the top menu.

  • A new pop-up is open
  • Make the following selections:
    • Widget category: Data viewer
    • Metrics category: Shared metrics
    • Metric: SpeedLimit
  • In the Specific widget properties copy the Entity ID (MyActuator_510_widgetKnob4180 in this example) and the Attribute name (SetSpeedLimit in this example)
  • Add a title to the widget, for example “Speed Limit”

  • Click confirm. The Speed Limit widget connected to the actuator is shown on the dashboard.

  • Acting on the dimmer, the speed limit is updated accordingly via the IOT broker connection.