List of Dashboard Widgets, for Dashboard Builder

Snap4City Dashboard Builder provides a very large library of widgets which can be used to create Dashboards. A number of them are visible in the above reported examples. Please note that, a large number of Widgets in the library and the Wizard are shortening the time for creating contextual dashboards. This is a high value since the Dashboards are often requested when needed, typically they are requested today for yesterday, this what happen in a large city you have.


Snap4City Dashboard Widgets can be classified into:

  • Time Series and real time data (see also custom widgets for the real time rendering of data via animation, dynamic PINs on map, etc
    • Single content, any value from numbers, strings, to HTML
    • Time trend,
    • Speedometer,
    • Gauge,
    • Single Bars,
    • Kiviat and spidernet,
    • Donuts and Pies,
    • Tables, tables with colormaps,
    • Multi BarSeries: vertical/horizontal, staked or not,
    • Multi Time series: staked/normal, shaded,
    • Time Compare for time series, 
  • Maps:
    • Multi Data map:
      • Maps, pan and zoom,
      • 3D buildings on map
      • POI, points of Interest
      • Orthomaps, back grounds
      • Heatmaps: calibrated and gaussian
      • GIS information
      • Polylines, shapes 
      • Sensors and real time data
      • Definition of scenarios
    • Moving device tracker on maps
  • Selectors: (see also custom widgets below for other selector)
    • Selector from services: icons, text, technical, etc.
    • Selector Web: from external Services
    • Selector from IoT App, just multiple choice selector
  • Actuators (see also custom widgets below for other actuators) from Dashboard to IOT
    • Buttons, image buttons
    •  Switch, impulse button
  • Special
    • TV cameras
    • Public transport status
    • Decision barline from Smart Decision Support, so called Italian Flag of some SmartDS processes.
    • Twitter: hashtags, citations
    • Traffic flows
    • Weather Forecast of several kinds
    • Clock (time: HH:MM:SS) real time
    • Civil protection status and alerts
    • First Aid Status: single and multiple triage monitoring
    • SmartDS, Italian Flags
  • Micro Applications (huge collection:
    • bike sharing,
    • favourites POI, marked by the users
    • my personal POI, market by the users
    • near to me, search capabilities
    • personal trajectories,
    • pollution, pollination, air quality,
    • Public transport timelines
    • public transport, GTFS data
    • routing, travel planner,
    • search of services by selection,
    • services browsing: accommodation, parking, wine and food, etc. (about 20 macro categories)
    • smart parking,
    • suggestions and goal experiences,
    • tickets for public transport,
    • user engagement,
    • weather forecast, current weather
    • etc.
  • External Services (depending on your area)
  • Custom Widgets Sensors and Actuators, interactive and with animations and dynamic values (changing color, changing shape, animating, etc.. ) (collection): they can be public or private
    • Air conditioning, de-humidifier
    • Alarm status
    • Bikes, cars, etc., of different kinds
    • Charger status, level
    • Digital signage status
    • Doors status
    • Energy synoptics, industry plant, of custom layouts
    • Faces feedback of different kinds
    • Fans status
    • Lamps, road lamps, ..
    • Metro status, different layout
    • Plug status
    • Pollution status: PM10, PM2.5, ..
    • Red light
    • Road signals, Speed limits, others..
    • Single slide, double point slider
    • Smart light, of custom layouts
    • Smart parking layout, of custom layouts
    • Smart recharging station
    • Smart waste
    • Switches several formats
    • Tank status/level
    • Thermometer
    • Tunnel status