The Functional Requirements could be listed by starting from the identified active Entities (which could be human, Tools, autonomous processes (for example the assessment process)) and describing for each the single functional statements. Collect all of them by using the following table on which technical details can be formalized when ready:
- Users, Drivers, operator
- Vehicles
- Events of different kinds
- ControlDashboard, ControlPanel
- RegistrationInterface
- Measuring device
- Etc.
Requirements |
ID |
Main Entity / Area |
Description |
Relevance / Priority |
Main Tool / Entity involved |
Status |
Source Code |
D1 |
Operator |
The Operator has to be authorized to register Drivers |
mandatory |
OperatorTool |
Not developed |
JavaScript |
D2 |
Driver |
The Drive can verify its registration by putting Password to access to its data on the solution |
optional |
Web and/or Mobile App accessible for the Drivers |
accessible in open source |
Yes In Java |
The columns in green are related to the design phase, which may be not fully specified in the analysis phase, where:
- ID: a unique identifier
- Main Entity / Area: the most relevant entity involved or the main area, a mixt of them should not be used.
- Description: ……..
- Relevance / Priority: mandatory (a must), optional (a should), other values could be coded. For example: high, mid, low, very low, etc.
- Etc.
In addition, a number of non-functional requirements may be also specified detailing the solution behavior with respect to aspects of: security, privacy, scalability, reliability, availability, etc. Please note that Snap4City is compliant with a large number of Non-Functional Requirements. For these reasons, please consult snap4city portal to see the level from which your solutions developed with Snap4City would natively start. Snap4City is GDPR compliant, respect privacy in the structure, is secure since passed PENTest and vulnerability test, is modular, scalable, interoperable, compliant with a large number of standards, open being open source, portal since you can install on multiple platforms, open being highly interoperable, user friendly having a nice and easy to use user interface, user friendly since you can customize the user interface, etc.
Using Snap4City you can avoid to massively take care about compliance with NON-Functional requirements in your analysis and design and thus you can concentrate on your solutions. This does not mean that you cannot create some critical cases, for example publishing all your user profiles’ data violating the GDPR or implementing local API in IoT App without any authentication and control. Snap4City provides a high flexibility, to avoid critical implementation please read guidelines suggested in this document and in the training slides: . Snap4City also provide clear performances bounds for each installation of the platform and for the typical MicroX installation.
See them on