Users' Roles on Snap4City


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Snapt4City platform presents information in intuitive ways and gives different stakeholders the tools for building applications on the platform.

The Snap4City platform provides a large number of features and tools, a tool for managing their access according to the roles and users. The functionalities which are dedicated to the larger mass of users are much simpler to be conquered, such as: Dashboard access and understanding, Dashboard Creation, IOT Application creation, access to documentation, manage personal profile and personal data.

The roles are organized in 4 roles of users (see also Welcome page for snap4city) :

  • Manager:  is a final user, and has the capability of: 
    • accessing and creating Dashboards with a large set of data (high level types as: POI, sensors, KPI, micro applications, external services, etc.), attaching alerts and notifications;
    • registering IOT Devices, keeping them private or making them public, delegate them;
    • creating IOT Applications, save IOT applications and share them with other users;
    • loading and sharing data sets, open data, and IOT Applications;
    • managing personal data and annotations, saving them in safe, delegating their access to other user, groups, organizations;
    • full access to documentation, help desk, FAQ, coworking, living lab;
    • managing personal profile and data according to GDPR;
    • accessing and exploting a limited number of resources: IOT App, Devices, Dashboards, etc.
    • NOTE: accessible features are mainly visual and simple to understand and to use, and provide a limited number of parameters on each dialog and for each action. Default values of created elements can be changed editing elements.
  • AreaManager is a Developer/researcher, students, city operator, with additional capabilities with respect to the Manager to:
    • accessing and exploting a large number of resources: IOT App, Devices, Dashboards, etc.
    • register IOT Brokers, creating IOT Deveice Models; 
    • creating more complex Dashboards;
    • creating advanced IOT applications, with a large set of advanced MicroServices;
    • create ETL processes for massive data transformation, ingestion, publication;
    • create data analytics in multiple languages (for exmaple in R Studio, also using Tensor Flow), testing them and provide them to the system;
    • adding external services; sharing results, loading shapes;
    • analyzing performance of the back office;
    • NOTE: technical views and details are fully accessible
  • ToolAdmin: is tool administration, to perform daily actions on setting tools-module parameters,  set and get notifications about small problems/events:, monitor in deep the status of some specific tool or module; etc.;
  • RootAdmin: is the global administrator regarding the capability of: managing users aspects (changing role, auditing, assessing); systematic and sporadic system analytis and monitoring, maintenance features; recovering problems on IOT applications; assessing and auditing global daily performance; controlling platform services; configuring accesses to features for the preiovus roles, full deep configuration of the system and allocation of resources.

For more details on the list of features accessible for each role see: TC1.2.    Different Tools and Functionalities Accessible for user category