Why Snap4City should be adopted and why it can be easy replicated / installed

The Snap4City solution and tools can be easily replicated in other cities and areas. Snap4City:

  • is 100% open source
  • can be installed on any public clound as well as on premise and private clouds.
  • provides well documented and accessible tools for its installation on:
    • GITHUB/disit, source code
    • As Appliance VM on the portal
    • As dockers, and Docker Compose on DockerHub, as containers
  • is well documented in terms of test cases and installations
  • is supported by a wide range of widgets for dashboards, and new widget can be created
  • is supported of IoT App and thus compatible with more than 200 protocols: IOT, smart city, industry 4.0, databases, etc.
  • is adopted by a set of other cities and applications so that a non for profit community has been created
  • can be easily extended with new protocols and adapters
  • can support the creation of new modules exploiting well documented API, internal and external, Swagger and Postman
  • provide a multilanguage support in most of the part
  • is scalable since it can be used for small city and well as for very large cities. Scalability in terms of real time processes and storage
  • is GDPR compliant
  • passed PEN test and Vulnerability test from Thales Italia and Setek
  • is EOSC official platform
  • is a FiWare powered solution
  • is compliant with E015 of Regione Lomabrdia
  • is a library of Node-RED JS Foundation
  • is interoperable with hundreds of formats, protocols, etc. 
  • is reliable with it’s a very high of uptime for availability, certified by Regione Lombardia
  • is flexible since it can be used for: mobility, energy, environment, COVID, health, transport, commercial, industry, tracking, govern, KPI, etc. 
  • is supported by a 7 day full training course with slide, exercises and videos
  • is modular, in the sense that can be installed partially to be integrated with other tools.
  • Is compliant with a large number of standard protocols
  • Supports the development and  the integration of data analytics in: RStudio, Python, Tensor Flow, Java, MapReduce, etc.
  • Supports the creation of living labs and collaborative environments
  • Provides support for creating a multitenacy smart city solution hosting multiple cities on the same platform
  • Provides support for federating multiple cities and/or instances for data exchange and shareable smart city APIs
  • Provides support for standard Smart City API rest call
  • Provides support for open data exchange via a special CKAN module also connected to the IOT App
  • Provides support of NODE-RED IOT App which are used for: integration, data wrapping, adapter, data analytics management, data transformation, and business logic of dashboards and applications
  • Provides a large number of ready to use DataAnalytics tool
  • Provides a large number of IOT App and data transformation flows that can be reused for creating your solutions
  • Provides support for creating Custom Widget exploiting SVG standara and secure WebSocket.
  • Provides end-2-end secure encrypted communications from IOT Devices to dashboards, and the communication and be for PULL or PUSH (data driven), from devices to dashboards, and from Dashboard to devices.
  • Presents a semantic model and semantic queries, which can be accessed with Linked Data and Linked Open Data and via SPARQL
  • provides support for integrating workflow management systems (Open Maint) with data flow (IOT Apps)
  • provides support for Digital Twin model as BIM with workflow and data flows
  • provides simple tools for accelerating the POI and data ingestion as: Data Table Loader, POI Loader, etc. 
  • provides multilingual support 
  • provides support for generating reports about the devices and other entities 
  • provides tools for understanding the structure of your smart applications, taking into account, dashboards, widgets, data sources, etc.
  • etc. etc.

it has relevant references as reported in the first splash page and  DISIT lab for Snap4City has been also engaged by the ISPRA JRC for innovation strategies on Smart Cities.

Platform Overview

Snap4City-PlatformOverview: https://www.snap4city.org/download/video/Snap4City-PlatformOverview.pdf