1- My IOT Sensors and Actuators (Manager, AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
DESCRIPTION: It shows the list of sensors of the user (1a, 1b) and permits to create a Device in a simple way (1c).
UI: Same layout for any user’s role.
(1a) shows the list of the sensors owned by the logged user and (1b) shows the sensors delegated to the logged user.
(1c) permits to create a New Device in a simple way from a predefined model. If the model specifies any Subnature, it shows also the Red box (Static Attributes).
2-IOT Sensor and Actuators (Manager, AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
DESCRIPTION: It permits to add a Sensor to an existing device (2a, 2b), it shows the list of sensors available to the user (2c, 2d) and permits to Edit/Delete a sensor information previously inserted (2e). This view is different from before since (1) can see also public sensors and (2) can edit/delete values
UI: Same layout for Manager, AreaManager and ToolAdmin user’s role. For RootAdmin a column “Organization” is also shown.
Pressing the button New Value (2a) it permits to add a sensor to an existent device (2b).
(2c) shows (Manager, AreaManager and ToolAdmin) the list of the sensors available to the logged user. Can be PUBLIC, MYOWNPRIVATE, MYOWNPUBLIC, DELEGATED. In case of MYOWN, it possible to EDIT and DELETE.
(2d) shows (RootAdmin) the list of ALL the sensors. Can be PUBLIC, MYOWNPRIVATE, MYOWNPUBLIC, DELEGATED and PRIVATE. It possible to Edit and Delete any sensors.
(2e) permits to edit the information regarding the sensor entry
3-IOT Devices (Manager, AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
DESCRIPTION: It permits to create a device in a detailed way (3a, 3b…), it shows the list of devices available to the user (3c, 3d) and permits to Edit/Delete a device previously inserted (3e)
UI: Same layout for AreaManager, ToolAdmin and RootAdmin user’s role. For Manager the columns “EDIT” and “DELETE” are hide.
Pressing the button New Device in (3a) it permits to add a new device in a detailed way (3b). --- ADD HERE MORE DETAILED INFO
(3c) shows (Manager) the list of the device available to the logged user. Can be PUBLIC, MYOWNPRIVATE, MYOWNPUBLIC, DELEGATED.
(3d) shows (AreaManager, ToolAdmin and RootAdmin) the list of devices available to the user. Can be PUBLIC, MYOWNPRIVATE, MYOWNPUBLIC, DELEGATED. In case of MYOWN, it possible to EDIT and DELETE. For RootAdmin it’s possible to EDIT any devices.
(3e) permits to edit the information regarding the device entry --- ADD HERE MORE DETAILED INFO as above
4-IOT Brokers (AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
DESCRIPTION: It permits to create a context broker (4a, 4b) for ToolAdmin and RootAdmin, it shows the list of the context broker available to the user (4c,4d, 4e) and permits to EDIT/DELETE a device previously inserted (4f)
UI: For Area Manager the column “EDIT” and “DELETE” is hide. For RootAdmin the column “OWNER” is shown
Available just for Tool Admin and Root Admin. Pressing the button New IOT Broker in (4a) it permits to add a new context broker in a detailed way (4b). --- ADD HERE MORE DETAILED INFO
(4c) shows (AreaManager) the list of the context broker available to the logged user. Can be PUBLIC, DELEGATED.
(4d) shows (ToolAdmin) the list of the device available to the logged user. Can be PUBLIC, MYOWNPRIVATE, MYOWNPUBLIC, DELEGATED, PRIVATE.
(4e) shows (RootAdmin) the list of the device available to the logged user. Can be PUBLIC, MYOWNPRIVATE, MYOWNPUBLIC, DELEGATED, PRIVATE. It can modify any context broker. It show also the column “owner”
(4f) permits to EDIT the information regarding the context broker entry --- ADD HERE MORE DETAILED INFO as above
5-IOT Device Models (AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
DESCRIPTION: It permits to create a new model (5a, 5b), it shows the model available to the user (5c,5d) and permits to EDIT/DELETE a device previously inserted (5e)
UI: For RootAdmin the column “OWNER” is shown
Pressing the button New Model in (5a) it permits to add a new model in a detailed way (5b). --- ADD HERE MORE DETAILED INFO
(5c) shows (AreaManager, ToolAdmin) the list of the model available to the logged user. Can be PUBLIC, DELEGATED, MYOWNPRIVATE, MYOWNPUBLIC.
(5d) shows (RootAdmin) the list of the model available. Can be PUBLIC, DELEGATED, MYOWNPRIVATE, MYOWNPUBLIC, PRIVATE. The column Owner is showed
(5e) permits to EDIT the information regarding the context broker entry --- ADD HERE MORE DETAILED INFO as above
6-IOT Devices Management (ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
DESCRIPTION: It permits to manage the Device inserted by the user
UI: Same layout for ToolAdmin and RootAdmin
(6a) permits to list ALL the device that has been injested. It’s possible to Edit or Delete the Device. The UI is similar to the one presented in (3e)
7-IOT Devices Bulk Registration (AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
DESCRIPTION: It permits to ingest a list of Device by CSV/EXCEL file. More detailed information in and
UI: Same layout for ToolAdmin and RootAdmin
TODO: testing and describe the UPDATE scenario
8-IOT Broker Periodic Upload (ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
DESCRIPTION: It permits to ingest a list of Device from an External Context Broker
UI: Same layout for ToolAdmin and RootAdmin
TODO: testing and describe the INGEST and UPDATE scenario
9-IOT Orion Broker Mapping Rules (ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
DESCRIPTION: It permits to create a Orion Broker Mapping Rules (9a, 9b), to show the list of the available Mapping Rules (9c) and eventually Edit/Delete (9d)
UI: Same layout for ToolAdmin and RootAdmin
Whenever the rule press New Rule in (9a), it possible tyo specify a new Mapping Rule (9b)
(9c) show the list of the available Mapping Rule
(9d) permits to edit an existing Mapping Rule
10-Auditing IOT Directory Data (Manager, AreaManager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
DESCRIPTION: It permits to list all the activities done by the logged user
UI: Same layout for any roles
(10a) show the list of activites performed by the logged user
11-IOT Device Discovery (RootAdmin)
DESCRIPTION: It permits to list all the devices available on a external ngsi context broker that support Multitenancy and ServicePath organization
UI: TODO use information from the Andrea documentation
12-Dangling Device (nobody right now)
DESCRIPTION: It permits to list all the devices not associated to any users
UI: Same layout for any roles