Snap4City on the European Open Science Cloud Marketplace, EOSC

Smart City IOT as a Service, SCIaaS

Provided by:
University of Florence (UniFL)
Research area:
Computer sciences
Dedicated for:
Providers, Research organisations

Snap4City ( ) provides a flexible method and solution to quickly create a large range of smart city applications exploiting heterogeneous data, performing data analytics, and enabling services for stakeholders by IOT/IOE, data analytics and big data technologies. Snap4City applications may exploit multiple paradigms as data driven, stream and batch processing, putting co-creation tools in the hands of: (i) Smart Living Lab users and developers a plethora of solutions to develop applications without vendor lock-in nor technology lock-in, (ii) final users customizable / flexible mobile Apps and tools, (iii) city operators and decision makers specialized / sophisticated city dashboards and IOT/IOE applications for city status monitoring, control and decision support.

Snap4City is for organizations/communities interested in Smart City and IOT, which would like to perform experiments on smart city data, that you can upload or reuse from those available, for research purpose and validation.

Features for the organizations that subscribe the service will have a number of users to:

Access at large collection of data coming from different cities.

  • Exploit a set of tools for uploading and integrating new data, and performing data analytic.
  • Comparing results obtained with those of different cities.
  • Sharing data transformation and data analytics with other users in the same or different organizations.
  • Access to a large set of training test cases, tutorial, video and examples.
  • Search and discovering smart city data on the basis of entity relationships, temporal and spatial, semantic search.
  • Access to Advanced Smart city API, also in the form of MicroServices in Node-RED.
  • Control entity type access with GDPR compliant mechanisms.
  • Upload on the system new data sets up to 30Gbyte.
  • Authorize a number of final users for the organization.
Places and languages
  • Worldwide
  • EN