TC7.32 - Make Your Data Analytic Flow Public

Test Case Title

TC7.32 - Make Your Data Analytic Flow Public


Build your own script (in R) that does statistical analysis and make it public for all users of the platform.


  • Know the language R and have used R Studio
  • Know how to use the REST API for both data recovery (GET) and saving (POST)
  • Know how to use node-red to create streams that send data and show the responses received
  • Be a user of role at least AreaManager

Expected successful result

Release of a Data Analytic Microservice on the platform that can be imported from every user on the cloud



To create the Script R and to test the node that is created at the end of this TC, please read the TC2.31 carefully.

When the script works within a node-red node as described in the TC above, you can load this script into the platform. You must go to the menu shown in the following figure.


If it is the first script that you go to insert the view in front of you is this:


Click on the orange button at the top with the words "Add Data Analytic" and a popup is shown where you can enter the data of the script that we have created.

The name must be understandable and must make it easy to understand what the script that is loaded does. A lot of attention must be paid when inserting the relative URL because the user who imports the node on his nodered can't modify it and important are also all the parameters that must or can be passed to the script. On the right side you should insert a guide, as exhaustive as possible, to help the user of the script in using it.

By clicking on the confirmation button, a downloadable zip is created containing the newly created node and can be manually inserted into a local node red.

If the developer wants to share it with other users he must press the edit button, change the license to Public, reload the script and press confirm. Once confirmed, press the NO button in the Published column: if everything works correctly, the node is published and it is possible to import it into the nodes-red that are in the cloud on the platform.

To import it, click on the menu shown in the figure below

Which will show a list of the available microservices of Data Analytics

Selecting the one chosen and clicking on install this is added to the list of nodes

If you insert into a stream and follow the guide on how to configure it correctly


You can make that node work when you press the inject button

And get the results that should give the script R created specifically