Any Snap4city IoT edge and connected any kind of IoT Devices, provides computing facilities and communicates with cloud platform with secure communication for commands and interaction on Dashboards.
In this page you can find information on how to use an IOT Edge device implemented as:
Virtual Machine based on Linux Ubuntu Operating System.
the VM can be executed with some VM player or on some Cloud infrastructure. The Snap4City IOT Edge Linux Ubuntu VIRTUAL MACHINE includes:
- 2 network cards (for example, one for ModBUS and the other for Intranet and internet connection, sending data to Snap4City cloud)
- MySQL installed
- NodeRED IOT Application editor, the standard one
- Suite Advanced of Snap4City MicroServices (we suggest to update and the first installation from Node-RED on line library)
- Addional Nodes/MicroServices for ModBus, MySQL, etc.
Please use as Username: ubuntu, password: ubuntu at the first use and then you can change as you like.
Once the VM is put in execution, NodeRED (that is the IOT Applications edit is starting automatically). You can find it from http://<addressIP>:1880
Docker container
- IOT Application, IOT App1: one Node-RED Docker for implementing IOT Application flows, a number of them, also supporting Snap4City MicroServices, mutual authentications, etc., working with data in Push and Pull and several protocols. The library of Snap4City MicroServices presents some limitations since the Knowledge Base as Servicemap is missing in the configuration.
NodeRED from Raspberry Pi
NodeRED is already intalled into any Raspberry Pi, so that you only need to install Snap4City palette from the official Node-RED library.
In both cases you can:
- Open NodeRed from the above address
- Download, install and use the IOT Applications for demonstration we provided as described in TC 2.1b - Use snap4city nodes on your local IoT Application where it is described how you can inserte your credentials to allow you to exploit Snap4City services from your local IOT applications IOT Edge. It is important that you register the IOT Application with the right and final credential since the beginning, since the first registration will assign the Ownership to the user that for first will perform the authentication.
- You can create your IOT Application locally, that can also communicate to the Snat4City Dashboard on cloud, and with other IOT Applications, mutually autenticated.
- you can exploit Snap4City Dashboard once registered and connected the IOT Edge on snap4city;
- you can add any kind of additional nodes you like;
- you can access to the Resource Manager and search for IOT Applications to be uploaded or they can be uploaded and used from the TC (test cases) of examples that you can find in the Snap4City Portal.
- you can access to all the Smart City MicroServices documented into the editor and partially documented also on
- If you would like to use the IOT Edge as a IOT Device producing data toward and IOT Broker on Snap4City cloud, you have to register the IOT Edge as a IOT Devices. This activity has to be performed by usign the IOT Directory as described in: TC2.11 - Search on IOT Directory for Devices and Sensors, IOT Device Registration
- Once you have register it as IOT Device, you can use Node "Fireware Orion" on group S4C IOT of the menu of the left side into the Node-RED for sending the data according to NGSI protocol to Snap4City on cloud, and from there to Dashboard again and to other IOT Applications, in which data analytics can be performed/exploited as well.