User Limits and Consumption of Resources


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The Snap4City solution is capable to host multiple Organizations on the same platform.

Each Organization may have multiple Groups and users may be registered to multiple groups even if these belong to different organizations.

The appartenance to an Organization assign to each single user bounds on the resource usage about: maximum number of IOT Devices that can be registered, maximum number of IOT Applications that can be requested (please note that each IOT application may have multiple tread of execution, multiple flows inside), and maximum number of Dashboards.

These bounds/limits can be:

  • verified from MyProfile --> MyPersonal Statistics and Bounds:
    • from the same link you can see the level of consumption of your resources in general
  • different according to the role: Manager, AreaManager, etc. So can get more if you do more. 
  • different according to the Organization for which you are registered, see on your top profile status on the left upper corner of the page.
  • increased by your organization manager. Please note that Orgamizations: Firenze, DISIT, Other are managed by ourself. 
  • increased according to a direct contract with the service provider.

please note that there are no limits on the traffic, neither on the accesses to Dashboard in terms of number of them or number of minutes they are accesses.

For any other info and request please contact:


If you have an installed on premise version of snap4city, you can manage user limits in your snap4city solution.

All the times that you reach some user limit a similar message to the folowing one is presented.

The user limits can be defined by your organization of by the administrator. In any case, they can be set for each user in different manner.

On premise version, In the main menu on the left column, scroll down and in the “User Management and Auditing” item select “User Limits Management”

In the User Limit Management page, click on the Element type drop down menu on top and select “DashboardID”.

A table should appear with the limits set in the system. If you see a specific line for the RootAdmin user, you can edit it and change the limit of dashboards. Otherwise, you can create a new limit for the RootAdmin user by using the “Create New Rule” orange button on top, and set the limits as you want. Below and example.

You can add more rules, which can be generic or specific.


In some cases, the user limits may appear in the installations on premise as MICRO X or upper DESPITE che right setting on the user limit interface and database, since those installations start as HTTP based.

According to the noted on installation: you can change to pass at HTTPS in the docker compose search by using

> grep https://<youdomain> *

or do 

    grep https://<youdomain> *-conf/* docker-compose.yml iotapp*/*.js

to see all confg files whare the http has to be replaced with https. You can use "sed" to automate this task. Please perform a back up.

after changing the files you should do:      

    docker-compose up -d

to recreate the modified containers and restart the containers doing:

    docker-compose restart servicemap synoptics wsserver iotapp-001 (add all iotapps you have)