Welcome to the Helsinki on Snap4City.
The following dashboards are available.
In the Helsinki area (updated at 08-04-2019)
Data structures:
Structure: https://helsinki.snap4city.org/
- Open Street Map
- 3D structure of the city Building from GIS service of the city
- Traffic flow historical data from the mobility and transport service of the city
Social: https://www.disit.org/tv/index.php?p=chart_singlechannel&canale=Helsinki
- Twitter Vigilance , external service
POI: https://helsinki.snap4city.org/
- About 300 additional POI of several different cathegories (mainly commercial activities e.g. Veterinary, Cultural centers, Churches, Theaters, Libraries, Discoteques, Gym fitness, Cinema, Banks, Dentists, shopping and beauty centers, pharmacies, car washing, Sauna, Restaurants, bar but also fire brigades, Social centers, Government offices, hospitals, ) have been added manually
- TourismService - Ticket_sale, Helsinki Region Infoshare - https://hri.fi/data/en_GB/dataset?sort=date_released+desc&q=sales+point
- HSL's city bike stations around Helsinki, HSL http://data-hslhrt.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/1b492e1a580e4563907a6c72...
- Environment - Waste_container around Helsinki, https://www.kierratys.info/
- EducationAndResearch - Pre_primary_education, Service Map https://servicemap.hel.fi/
- Mobility - Finland Traffic sensors, Digitrafic - http://tie.digitraffic.fi
- WineAndFood - Canteens_and_food_service, Service Map https://servicemap.hel.fi/
- Accommodation - Other_accommodation, Service Map https://servicemap.hel.fi/
- Accommodation - Hotel, Service Map https://servicemap.hel.fi/
- Entertainment - Amusement_activities, Service Map https://servicemap.hel.fi/
- HealthCare - Youth_assistance, Service Map https://servicemap.hel.fi/
- HealthCare - Public_hospital, Service Map https://servicemap.hel.fi/
- ShoppingAndService - Shopping_centre, Service Map https://servicemap.hel.fi/
Mobility: https://helsinki.snap4city.org/
- GTFS Helsingin seudun liikenne, Helsinki Regional Transport - https://transitfeeds.com/p/helsinki-regional-transport/735/latest/download
Sensor, real time data: https://helsinki.snap4city.org/
- Environment - Weather_sensor (international), ENFUSER API (with our API-key) - starting from: http://opendata.fmi.fi/wfs/eng?request=getFeature&storedquery_id=fmi::ef... AND Openweahter API (actual weather and weather forecast in All Finland with our appid) starting from: https://openweathermap.org/api
- Environment - Noise_level_sensor, FVH real time noise data - http://iot.fvh.fi/downloads/noise/
- Environment - Air_quality_monitoring_station (from IOT Broker),
- Environment - Air_quality_monitoring_station (international), Openweahter API (with our appid) starting from: https://openweathermap.org/api
- Environment - ENFUSER heatmaps, https://opendata.fmi.fi/wfs?request=GetFeature&storedquery_id=GetDataSetById&datasetid=1000571
- IoTSensor - IoTSensor
- TransferServiceAndRenting - SensorSite (traffic flow in Finland), Digitrafic - http://tie.digitraffic.fi
- People Counting, PAXCounter, located in the city, with data coming directly in push on our Broker
- Dust sensors, https://ngsi.fvh.fi/v2/entities?options=keyValues&type=AirQualityObserved
DataGate/CKAN added Federated CKAN to make accessible Open Data or third party Portals https://datagate.snap4city.org/
- several data sets are now accessible for developers, different domains
- Georesolution: from GPS coordinates to location
- ServiceMap / Smart City API additional features with respect to standards
- Routing (car and private vehicles) and also multimodal routing (pedestrian plus public transportation)
- Last planned position of public transport via GTFS (by Agency)
- Extrapolated position on the path, on the basis of planned position of public transport via GTFS (by Agency and Line)
- Load of WKT shapes on ServiceMap
- ServiceMap3D
- MicroApplications: https://www.snap4city.org/dashboardSmartCity/management/microApplications.php
- MicroApplication for POI several views
- MicroApplication for real time data
- MicroApplication for Routing (car and private vehicles) and also multimodal routing (pedestrian plus public transportation)
- MIcroApplication for browsing public transportation
- MicroApplication for loading and accessing on map to MyPOI, My Points of Interest
- Twitter Vigilance to monitor Tweets from selected users, and/or with selected citations, hashtags and/or keywords related to Helsinki
- Web interface as External Service for Dashboard and MicroService for IOT Application
- DataGate/CKAN added Federated CKAN to make accessible Open Data or third party Portals
- Dashboards: those with main demonstrations features:
- https://www.snap4city.org/dashboardSmartCity/view/index.php?iddasboard=MTI3MA==
- widget: selection, multimap, time trend, TV CAM, single content
External Services of Helsinki:
- collection of Enfuser predictive data for PM10, PM2.5, AQI, etc. etc. they are collected as heatmap data and made accessible on dashboard and API
- see list of them https://www.snap4city.org/dashboardSmartCity/management/externalServices.php
MicroServices for IOT exploiting external services via REST API of Helsinki: using them via IOT Application, listed on https://processloader.snap4city.org/processloader/ssoLogin.php?redirect=page.php%3FshowFrame=false here are reported only those in addition to the Snap4City Suites (basic or advanced) which include Twitter Vigilance access, etc.
- Event in Finland: Cultural and educational events (Frequently updated events from multiple cultural event organizers including concerts, sports events, museum exhibitions and many more. )
- Places in Finland: Point of Interest (Over 2000 places of interest, restaurants, shops, hotels etc. in and around Helsinki. Data is frequently updated by local businesses, locals and visitors alike. )
- Touristic Activities in Finland (High-quality experiences from local service providers, including for example archipelago cruises and city walking tours)
- Multilingual events (fi, sv, en)
- Road TV Camera in Finland (from DIGITRAFFIC)
Additional Data and data accesses:
- Heatmaps: a large collection of heatmaps for: temperature, humidity, PM10, PM2.5, NO2, EAQI, CAQI, ENFUSER, GRAL predictions, FMI AQI, PM10 Jatkassari, PM2.5 Jatkassari, EAQI Jatkassari, etc. which can be accessed (also via API and IOT App), picked and animated from:
- Preferred clicked services for the Mobile App Users which can be viewed from this dashboard, see click density
- Origin destination matrices coming from trajectories of the users from their Mobile App which can be seen from:
- Clustered trajectories of the users from their Mobile App which can be seen from (one a significant number of them is available):
- Images and comments collected from the App, which have been validated and published anonymously on the App and MicroApp
- Heatmaps: a large collection of heatmaps for: temperature, humidity, PM10, PM2.5, NO2, EAQI, CAQI, ENFUSER, GRAL predictions, FMI AQI, PM10 Jatkassari, PM2.5 Jatkassari, EAQI Jatkassari, etc. which can be accessed (also via API and IOT App), picked and animated from: