TC3.5 - Perform Drill down in timeline


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Test Case Title

TC3.5 - Perform Drill down in timeline


I can

Perform drill down on timeline


The User is registered and logged in the system as Manager (Final User), AreaManager (Developer) or ToolAdmin (Administrator).

Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser. All the data arriving in the platform are collected into a noSQL storage and indexed in real-time. Thus, they are accessible in the Developer Dashboard for drill down and browsing according to different aspects.

Expected successful result

See the dashboard and play with them. The user can access to the dashboard and perform a number of actions to drill down on data, on time, facet, kind of data, etc. The resulting combination of filter is a new dashboard/view that can be saved locally or on cloud (ProcessLoader, in the future) and shared with other colleagues, also via ProcessLoader.




Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.

In this test case the user will interact with:

  • Dashboard based on Banana on IOT/ETL data, using SOLR, sharded on cloud
    • Connect with Developer Dashboard, directly on snap4City main tool
      • Drill down on time
    • Connect to a Dashboard showing time trend widgtes
  1. Go on the developer dashboard
    • Enter in snap4city
    • To open the Data Analyzer Dashboard (DevDash) click on the left column main menu item Management --> Data Analyzer: DevDash
  2. drill down on time
    • Select from the TIMEPIKER (1) or from HISTOGRAM (3) a time range with the mouse to drill down on time, the new filter on time is added on the FILTERING panel (2)
    • all the other widget start recalculating to show the resulting data filtered. The drill down on timeline can be performed (by day, by week, by month, by year, from date/time to date/time, from a given time instant to another) by using Developer Dashboard.  Once the time selection (filtering) is performed, the other views of the Dashboard are aligned: the counting of selected object is updated, the faceted list of population selected is updated, the map is also updated.
  3. In the widget HISTOGRAM with the left button of the mouse clicked, select a period in the timeline. The selected period is highlighted in the histogram as shown in the following figure.
  4. When the left button of the mouse is released, all the widget in the dashboard is uploaded accordingly and a new search term is added in the FILTERING widget, as shown in the following image.
  5. Go on a dashboard in view with time trend