TC3.2 - Accessing and using Developer Dashboards


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Test Case Title

TC3.2 - Accessing and using Developer Dashboards


I can:

Access to city data on their time line, on historical large data storage in fast manner.

Use multiple devices of different kind to access at the dashboards without installation.

See the real-time data, and data  H24/7 with automated update for each widget.

Monitor the status via different views, graphs and maps


Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser. All the data arriving in the platform are collected into a noSQL storage and indexed in real-time. Thus they are accessible in the Developer Dashboard for drill down and browsing according to different aspects.

The following functionalities are available only for specific Snap4city users with specific privileges.

Expected successful result

See the dashboard and play with them. The user can access to the dashboard and perform a number of action to drill down on data, on time, facet, kind of data, etc. The resulting combination of filter is a new dashboard/view that can be saved locally or on cloud (ProcessLoader, in the future) and shared with other colleagues, also via ProcessLoader.




Please note that some of the following links could be accessible only for registered users.

Snap4City Dashboards can show historical data and can filter and sort them dynamically:

  • Historical and real time data can be shown from the Dashboard widget and from the Map towards the widget as single content, time trend compare, or just time trend, gauge, tachymeter, etc. This solution is based on Dashboard Builder.
  • By faceted on the basis of several relations, timeline and geospace/maps: see tools such as AMMA, ResDash, DevDash. For example, once performed a selection in a widget/panel of AMMA, all the other views of the Dashboard re-filter the data shown dynamically. This is true for timeline, relations, OD map, Gelocation on Map.  This solution is developed in SOLR and shown on Banana.
  • IOT data are automatically collected to form the historical values. They are accessible to be shown on DevDash which is based on SOLR index sharded, and allow you to search, drill on timeline/space and faceting, etc.


The visual exploration is possible according to different aspects: geo, text, tabular, relationships.  To this end, it is possible to find new relationships among data, in different domains, by different integrated tools:

  • Developer Dashboard: to drill down on time, values via faceted, mixed, etc. The Developer Dashboard can directly compute: statistical values as average, maximum, minimum, etc. comparing visually multiple time trend and metrics, values, creating some heat map, etc.
  • GEOspace: browse / search entities by starting from their geographic position and exploring relationships by using the map based tools as: ServiceMap,
    • Showing 3D distribution of data values via ServiceMap3D.
    • Then passing to the Developers Dashboard for further detailed analysis of the data along time trend. (not yet available)
  • Entities and relationships: browse /search entities by starting from an entity and navigating among the relationships by using tool https://LOG.DISIT.ORG when the drill down on relationship is needed.

The general idea of Snap4City is to allow performing drill down to arrive at extracting data from different data stores: IOT, mobile, social media, historical, etc. and in any way to identify queries that can be executed automatically by some ETL or DataAnalytics script.

The data selected from the Developer Dashboard can be sent to Data Analytics tools to perform:

This feature is implemented by starting from the Developer Dashboard, ServiceMap, and developing ETL  or Data Analytics processes in R, Java, Python, ETL, .., which in turn, can activate algorithms and tools for machine learning tools, clustering, kriging, etc. According to Snap4City, the scheduling of the Data Analytics can be performed by using DISCES tool, thus making them available in different contexts and scenarios looking for the identification of unexpected correlations as well as anomalies.

  1. Using the Developer Dashboard for data understating
    • Different types of Dashboards for developers are available in Snap4City. They are:



In the following the Developer Dashboard is used as example.

  • Access the DevDah by logging in the Snap4City tools with the credential of AreaManager (Developer). In the right column menu click on Management --> Data Analyzer: DevDash

  • The Developer Dashboard shows IOT/ETL real-time data, presently in this version there is a mixt of fake and actual values from the Tuscany territory.
  • This kind of data rendering is based on TIMELINE. This means that all the trends are aligned on the time line.
  • In addition, in this view, each action produces a filter that is typically added in conjunction to the others, or can be set to exclude the data with that feature.
  • For Example, it is possible to act on (5) to select only some kind of data, or the opposite to ask at the system to exclude them from the rendering.

This dashboard includes Widgets of the following Kind with their usage:

  • TIMEPIKER (1): from to date/time. The user can identify FROM TO date/time;
  • QUERY (2): text search. The user can pose a query;
  • FILTERING (3): reporting the applied filters. The user can see the applied filters and can remove them returning to a different config, can edit them;
  • HITS (4): reporting some metrics on the selection performed by filtering. The user can ask to have more data;
  • FACET (5): a selection of facet fields, in this case: Classname, MeasureType, SubMeasureType, deviceName, SRC (ETL or IOT), kind (sensor/actuator), unit (of measure). The user can make a selection for each Facet Field, thus filtering and drilling down on kind;
  • HISTOGRAM (6): with a counting of events along the timeline filtered, limited to 100.000;
  • TERM (7): a pie in which several kinds of distribution can be shown on the basis of the Facet fields;
  • BETTERMAP (8): reporting on map the measures identified, limited to 10.000;
  • TABLE (9): a table with data coming from the data store SOLR index, with a selection of columns.


  1. Open the above link/dashboard on different terminals
  • Access the DevDah by logging in the Snap4City portal with the credential of an AreaManager (Developer). In the right column menu click on Managementà Data Analyzer: DevDash
  • Please note that this dashboard is fully responsible, and presents several tools so that it may need to scroll. Shorter examples can be realized, while if it has to be for developers the scroll would not be a problem if the information provided is that required by the developers.


  1. See / Set the Automated update activated for this dashboard.
  • Access the DevDah by logging in the Snap4City portal with the credential of AreaManager (Developer). In the right column menu click on Management --> Data Analyzer: DevDash
  • Each widget has timer to get updated data set at 10, 30 or 60 seconds.
  • The following image shown an example of configuration settings of a panel with the auto refresh set every 60 seconds.

Developers Dashboards update values imposing some timing per dashboard widget.

  • To test click on the link to see a live example:
  • Access the DevDah by logging in the Snap4City portal with the credential of AreaManager (Developer). In the right column menu click on Management --> Data Analyzer: DevDash


  1. Using a number of panel/widgets for Developer dashboard

Developer Dashboards is a tool for accessing to data collected in an interactive and fast manner. It is based on SOLR to index the data, to enable the drill down. In addition, the model and tools have been (and are going to be) customized to make possible the browsing via cross links back and forward among data, IOT, etc. and the Knowledge Base tools as ServiceMap. The Developer Dashboard has been developed by Banana.

List of Widget for the Developer Dashboard

  • TimeLine

  • valuetrend

  • Map:

  • Facet:

  • Pie


  • Counting

  • Tables

  • Histograms