Training Course Snap4City - 2023 Edition

Training Course Snap4City (2023/2024):
Smart City, Digital Twin, IoT/WoT, from data gathering, management to smart applications, business intelligence, artificial intelligence and Control Rooms

Snap4City team organized an on-line Training Course on Snap4City - Smart City IoT Course from data gathering to smart applications and Control Rooms.

The previous course materials are accessible from,  the new course has been easier to follow, more focused and effective to the platform usage.
The course has been delivered ONLINE and divided into 8 parts, lasting approximately 3-4 hours for each part, with an overall duration of about 30 hours.


For additional information please contact: 

Topics will range from data gathering to smart applications, business intelligence and Control Rooms. This online course enables you to learn how to create professional dashboards, IoT applications and smart solutions, without any need to be programmer.

Title, last update:
September 2024

last update in July 2023

content description, last update September 2024

Part 1: Overview for researchers / developers


Interactive Slides

  • Objectives and Tasks, architecture and Digital Twin
  • Monitoring and Control: Mobility, Humans, Engagement, ..
  • Decision Support Systems, planning, what-if and optimization
    • Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, XAI, ML
    • Traffic Light Plan Optimisation
    • Traffic Infrastructure Optimization
  • Industry Domain: predictive maintenance
    • Autoclave Cycle: Energy Optimisation
  • Developing on Snap4City platforms
  • Training Suggestion and publications / further reading
  • Development Costs Advantages
  • Accelerating on Smart City Deploy with Snap4City
  • Platform Administration 

Part 1: Overview for adopters city/industry


Interactive Slides



  • Needs of the Operators vs platform
  • Platform Overview: from data to interactive tools
  • Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence
  • Some Cases by Domains: solutions vs analytics
  • Other Cases and scenarios
  • Overview of the next parts of the Course
  • References to other training material

Part 2: Dashboards production and management


Interactive Slides



  • Recall on Snap4City Architecture
  • Dashboards Purposes and Uses
  • Main Data Kinds: data vs representations
  • Dashboards Main Concepts and simple Widgets
  • Creating a Snap4City Dashboard, wizard
  • Multi Data Map Widget
  • High Level Types, video, external services, synoptics
  • Selector for the Multi Data Map Widget 
  • Data Inspector vs Data Processes Details
  • Dashboard Management
  • training material

Part 3: IOT App, Process Logic, Server Side Business Logic


Interactive Slides



  • Recall on Snap4City Architecture
  • Node-RED
  • IOT App = Node-RED + Snap4City
    • IoT App === Proc.Logic
  • Examples of IOT App for Smartening Solutions
  • Exploiting/Generating data by using: IoT App/Proc.Logic
  • External Service <-> IoT App/Proc.Logic 
  • Dashboards <-> IoT App/Proc.Logic
    • Server Side Business Logic
  • training material

Part 4: Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence


Interactive Slides



  • Why and Where use DA, AI and XAI -> General Life Cycle, scenario editor, monitoring and control
  • Data Processing: KPI, traffic, emissions, public transport quality, ..
  • From Data Analytics, DA to Artificial Intelligence, AI
  • List of the most relevant available DA and AI Solutions
  • Predictions and Anomaly detections: parking, biking, NOx, landslide, people
  • Computing: Higher Level Types Data and their representations: traffic, heatmaps, 3D
  • Human Behavior, Engagement, Typical Time trends, WIFI sniffing
  • Using AI in main domains: Mobility and transport, traffic optimization, Smart Energy, Smart Building, 
  • How AI/XAI, and  Life Cycle, AI/ML requirements, XAI, 
  • Using DA, AI/XAI in Snap4City infrastructures
    • Data Analytics <-> IoT App / Proc.Logic 
    • MLOps, ClearML, exploiting clusters of GPU/CPU
  • Decision Support Systems and What-If Analysis, transport offer, DORAM tool
  • Routing, Multimodal Routing, Dynamic Routing
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Training Material

Part 5: Data Ingestion and Interoperability


Interactive Slides







  • When Solutions and  tools for Data Ingestion and Interoperability are needed
  • Overview of Snap4City Data Storage and Stack
  • Knowledge Base: Modelling and Setting Up
  • High Level Types vs Ingestion Process
  • Data Ingestion Strategy and Orientation
  • Ingestion of Points of Interest with POI Loader
  • Models vs Devices/Entities and Registration
  • Verification of Data Ingestion
    • Digital Twin Data Inspector vs Data Processes Details 
    • My Data Dashboard Dev to assess data on Open Search Storage
  • An Integrated Example for Time Series
  • Entities Ingestion with Data Table Loader 
  • High Performance Ingestion via Python
  • FIWARE Smart Data Models on Snap4City
  • Ingestion of MyKPI with Proc.Logic / IoT App
  • training material

Part 6: Snap4City Platform Architecture, Interoperability, Management and Deploy


Interactive Slides



  • Snap4City Architecture
  • Interoperability of Snap4City Platform
  • Interoperability with respect to Hardware staff
  • Adding Features and Modules to Snap4City
  • FIWARE and Snap4City
  • Snap4City vs State of the Art Solutions
  • Smart City planning with Snap4City Team Support
  • The Role of the Living Lab Support
  • Snap4City Platform: Administration Overview
  • Snap4Tech: Smart Solutions as a Service
  • Deploy Snap4Tech solutions: Docker Based
  • training material

Part 7: Exploiting Snap4City API, and Web/Mobile Applications SDK


Interactive Slides



  • Smart City API: Internal and External
  • Concepts and tools for using Knowlege Base, ServiceMap, API
  • Federated Knowledge Bases and Smart City APIs
  • Advanced Smart City API
  • Access to Protected data
  • Forging and managing: Mobile and Web Apps, MicroApplications
  • Web and Mobile App Development Kit
  • training material

Part 8: Developing Smart Applications & Business Intelligence Solutions


Interactive Slides



  • Developing in the smart city IoT/WoT context
  • Smart Solutions Development Life Cycle
  • Analysis for Innovation (Co-Creation and Co-Working)
  • Design: Data, Data Models, Data Relationships
  • Design & Develop: Data Processes Proc.Logic / IoT App
  • Design & Develop of Data Analytics
  • Design & Develop: user interfaces, visual tools
  • Visual Analytic vs Data Analytics: Client Side Business Logic Intelligence
  • Design and Control of Smart Applications
  • What is missing here and you can get from former course
  • training material

The course includes slides, full accesss to the platform and development tools.

A final certificate has been provided assessing both your presence and the proficiency level. 

FORMER VERSION OF THE COURSE WHICH CONTAINS details not present in the above coruse



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